Maritime and Admiralty
我们的海事和海事律师为广泛的海事业务提供卓越的经验和卓越的价值, 联运, shipping and transportation related matters, including business transactions, 诉讼, mediation and arbitration. Our clients include marine terminals, 船厂, a marine construction company, an 联运 chassis operator, a container ship line, an 联运 storage company, state transportation agencies and a multitude of waterfront related businesses. Our attorneys have represented P&我的俱乐部, 工人, marine security operators, 一个机场, a marine elevator manufacturer, tug and barge operators, bridge operating municipalities, commercial fishing fleet operators and associations, and recreational boaters. Among other legal issues, our maritime and admiralty attorneys handle transactions and cases involving:
- 提单
- 货物
- 特许协议
- Collisions, Allisions and other Navigation Issues
- Commercial Fishing Permits, Regulations and Quota 诉讼
- 运货马车运送合同
- Environmental Issues and Compliance - 刑事 and Civil
- 沿岸 and Harbor Workers’ Compensation
- 船舶融资
- 海洋的关税
- 人身伤害
- 河岸权
- 打捞
- 代位权
- United States Coast Guard Investigations and Licensing
- Vessel Arrests and Documentation
- 湿地法规
我们的一些律师在进入私人执业之前拥有不同的海事背景,包括在美国海事和法律事务部的海军部工作.S. Navy JAG Headquarters providing maritime and admiralty legal advice to the U.S. Navy’s fleet of 550 ships and submarines operating worldwide, holding a license as a Master (50 tons power and sail), 在当地一家拖船公司工作,在大西洋沿岸和切萨皮克湾航行.
We participate in national, 区域, 以及包括美国海商法协会在内的地方海事协会, the Southeastern Admiralty Law Institute, the 维吉尼亚州 Maritime Association, the Hampton Roads Global Commerce Council, the North Carolina Fisheries Association, and the Norfolk Propeller Club. 我们的关系和法律经验有助于为汉普顿路和世界各地非凡的海事和运输社区的各种法律需求提供灵活而彻底的解决方案.
Successfully represented marine salvage company in vessel arrest 诉讼.
Successfully represented private shipyard in multi-million dollar 905(b) wrongful death 诉讼.
在多个琼斯法案中成功代理国际船舶建筑公司, 沿岸, 以及维吉尼亚州一项为期六年的桥梁建设项目的工人赔偿索赔.
Successfully represented marine towing company in contract negotiation matters.
代表诺福克伊丽莎白河上一处价值600万美元的7英亩土地的家族企业主, where a neighbor clogged the waterway with a floating junkyard of 26 ships. 向联邦法院提起诉讼,以消除对客户河岸财产权的干扰,迫使邻居拆除垃圾场. 307 Campostella, LLC v. 盖年代. Mullane, civil action no. 2:15 - cv - 224 (E.D. Va. 2016).
Represented governmental entity that owns the Coleman Bridge in Yorktown, 维吉尼亚州, after a large tug allided with the bridge in the middle of the night. When settlement negotiations failed, filed a maritime and admiralty action in federal court that produced a $1.2 million recovery for bridge owner. VDOT v. TUG ROBERT BURTON, 2012 AMC 2230 (E.D. Va. 2012).
代表拥有钦科蒂格大桥的政府实体,就贝壳渔民索赔1000万美元提起诉讼,这些渔民声称大桥的建设破坏了他们的贝类养殖场. 建造桥梁的船舶运营商根据联邦责任限制法案向联邦法院提起诉讼. The case was resolved on favorable terms following 18 months' 诉讼 in the U.S. District Court and U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. 美国桥5. James Young, civil action no. 36 - cv - 316 (E.D. Va. 2008), appeal filed, no. 09-1458(第4期. 2009).
说服你.S. 陆军工程兵团撤销(根据《亚洲博彩平台排名》)授权一家海事公司在水体中央安装600英尺系泊系统的许可证. 拟议的系泊系统干扰了我们客户滨水物业的船舶操作,并可能导致我们客户的企业破产. 然后, we persuaded the 维吉尼亚州 Marine 澳门亚洲博彩平台排名 Commission to oppose the project, 是什么原因导致该系泊系统的海事建造商撤回申请并放弃该项目. (2015)
协助国内商业银行完善美国重型设备起运港融资留置权.S. borrower purchased in Finland.