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房地产估价 in Eminent Domain Cases

Our attorneys understand that the core of most eminent domain cases is property valuation, from putting together the bona fide offer, 谈判, to the condemnation trial if necessary. 征用权程序通常要求双方尝试评估非自愿财产获取,就好像它是一种假设的自愿交易, 通常非常微妙, 规则, 法规, 判例法, and legal fictions which can vary widely depending on the process and jurisdiction involved. 定罪律师应该非常熟悉评估方法和适用的法律,以便在客户之间进行沟通, 的评估师, 法院为了确保在这个非常有争议的过程中尽可能顺利和可预测的结果. 谴责当局必须有精通这些通常非常模糊的问题的律师,以便了解它已经或可能需要为特定的收购或项目支付多少钱.

Understanding the Eminent Domain Process

It is relatively easy to summarize a generalized hypothetical eminent domain process. The condemning authority determines that a project is necessary, determines what property is necessary for the project, prepares offers to acquire that property, 协商这些提议, and if all of the parcels involved cannot be settled voluntarily, then those that cannot be settled voluntarily are litigated in order to determine just compensation.

Knowing that general outline may be somewhat helpful but the devil is, 一如既往,这里比大多数人都多, 在细节上. Different states and jurisdictions have different 规则, regulations, 法规, and 判例法. 在同一管辖范围内, 可获得权力的性质及其使用过程可能因所涉及的谴责当局而有很大差异. 仅仅因为另一个实体能够以一种特定的方式完成某件事,并不一定意味着你的实体也能做同样的事情. 在维吉尼亚州, 有两种主要的谴责代码, not counting alternate procedures specified for certain entities or available by charter, 而在北卡罗来纳州,有三种不同的主要谴责代码,根据所涉及的谴责权威的类型,你需要使用特定的一个. 对于任何谴责,首先要确定的一个主要程序项目是谴责当局是否具有通常被称为“快速采取”的权力, 如果有这种力量, 无论它是强制性的还是可选的,以及您是想使用它还是按照通常被称为“缓慢接受”的程序进行. 在非常普遍的意义上, 在快速处理程序下, the condemning authority obtains title to the land immediately, usually based on a deposit of estimated just compensation, 在一个缓慢的过程中, 定罪的当局往往必须经过审判,并在确定和支付赔偿后才能取得财产的所有权. 然而, 使事情复杂化, 有时在中间有一些程序,从技术上讲,这是一个缓慢的过程,但可以立即将财产判给谴责当局, often based on a court ruling on a motion for such possession.

If this is already starting to sound very complicated, it is. 这就是我们的切入点. Our eminent domain and right of way attorneys are working through these processes for clients every day, and can boil all of that down into what you need to know to get your right of way project cleared and completed. 无论你是为一个已经清理了无数包裹的权威机构工作,我们都是来提供额外的专业知识和后备力量,以利用你的机构知识, 或者您的实体以前从未谴责过物业,您需要帮助建立一个合规和有效的谴责流程, 或者介于两者之间, 我们已经做到了, 我可以帮你.

Methods for Valuing Property in Eminent Domain Cases

Once one gets through all of the procedural hurdles in eminent domain, one still has to deal with the complexities of property valuation in eminent domain matters. The usual measure of value of the property in eminent domain cases is the fair market value of the property, 公平市场价值通常被认为是自愿交易中自愿买方支付给自愿卖方的价格. The front-line personnel on valuation issues are often appraisers, 但评估师通常在多个州工作,可能无法及时了解可能影响特定项目或司法管辖区评估的所有潜在法律细微差别. 谴责当局通常有一个估价师确定一个公平市场价值的意见,然后谴责当局使用, 评估师通常使用以下三种方法中的一种或多种来得出他们对公平市场价值的看法:


Cost approach - this method calculates the value of the property by determining the cost to replace the property, 较少的折旧.


然而, even where these standard approaches are used, 使用哪一种, 当, and how can be the basis for significant disputes and differences in valuation. 我们的律师非常熟悉与估值专家合作,向事实发现者或中立第三方清楚地解释这些问题.

Challenging 房地产估价 in Eminent Domain Cases

Eminent domain cases are in essence each side challenging the other’s property valuation. Property owners generally can challenge the ultimate valuation of their property in eminent domain cases. Our attorneys have extensive experience representing the condemning authority in these sorts of challenges. We are used to helping select the best available experts and working with them to put on your case. Mr. 阿诺德和先生. 格林 together have over thirty years of combined experience coordinating with outside appraisal, 运输, and related experts in eminent domain litigation. Mr. 船体 has also been working in this area since he joined the firm’s 土地征用权/通行权 Practice Group. 土地征用权/路权业务小组的律师以能够识别并与正确的专家合作处理每一项路权事务而自豪, recognizing that each property is unique, 除了评估师之外,通常还需要专门的主题专家来处理特定的土地征用问题.


在土地征用权和财产估价中,有一种理论认为,通常通过收购财产的一部分来降低财产的价值. 在某些司法管辖区,这通常被称为“遣散费”,尽管在弗吉尼亚州和北卡罗来纳州,它更常被称为对其余部分的损害. 类似的, in Virginia and North Carolina the concept of business losses is often referred to as “lost profits.” While Virginia allows this concept by statute as a result of a constitutional amendment, 北卡罗来纳州通常不会. When lost profits are part of a condemnation case, they can make the case dramatically more expensive and complicated. 我们的律师有处理遣散费损害/剩余财产损害和商业损失/利润损失索赔的经验.

多年来,本业务团队的律师一直致力于掌握路权程序的全部内容, and property valuation is the core of that process. 我们知道如何与评估师合作,以及每个不同包裹和事项所带来的所有独特复杂性. 然而, we do not offer these to you to explain how long we need to work on a particular matter. Our “big picture” success is client satisfaction rather than number of tasks performed or hours billed. 我们认为我们作为外部法律顾问的角色有两个核心职能:1)利用客户的机构知识和我们在某些复杂或专业法律领域的深入主题经验来协助客户;2)提供大量额外深度的特殊法律亚洲博彩平台排名, 对需求. If you have any questions about property valuation in your eminent domain or right of way project, including but not limited to questions about severance damages or business losses, feel free to reach out to our attorneys and see if we can assist you.